========================================================== CONSIDERATIONS AROUND SIMPLEPHPBLOG AND ITS STORING SYSTEM ========================================================== - SimplePHPBlog flat "db" structure [$content] | |-- [$year] // two-digit year ID (05 stands for 2005) | | | |-- [$month] //two-digit month ID (01 stands for January) | | | |-- entryYYMMDD-HHMMSS.txt | |-- [entryYYMMDD-HHMMSS] | | | |-- rating.txt | |-- view_counter.txt | |-- [comments] | | | |-- commentYYMMDD-HHMMSS.txt | |-- [static] | |-- $filename.txt Due to its nature of name of a file, entryYYMMDD-HHMMSS.txt must be univocal, and therefore it can be considered as the ID field of a DB table. Comment DBs are associated to the entries using the file name (ID) of the entry, deprived of its extension (.txt) as the name of the directory which will contain them.